Tuesday 20 November 2012

I'm an actor... and I'm faking it!

Even before she arrived in the jungle camp, Helen Flanagan had show producers, her peers and fans rubbing their eyes in disbelief.

Faced with a wire bridge that stretched over a canopy of trees in to the clearing that she would soon call home, she broke down in tears, throwing an almighty tantrum that was enough to even send the nastiest crocodile swimming for cover.

Since that moment, images of the 22-year old actress red eyed, bawling and screaming for a reprieve have become the norm - not least because she has now undertaken seven Bushtucker Trials.

Bad luck: The actress has been singled out by the public, who seem to find her scared outbursts amusing - but are they genuine?

Great TV: The public seem to find her scared outbursts amusing - but are they genuine?

The British public, obviously relishing the chance to unleash their sadistic side by pressing the redial button when voting for what celebrity will be forced to do something vile next, are loving it.

In fact, such is the public's fascination with making the ex-Coronation Street actress squirm and sob, that she has now undertaken seven Bushtucker Trials in a row.

The first five were washouts, with Helen - who her mother revealed is so scared of the dark is forced to sleep with a Harry Potter DVD playing in the background - retiring before she had even won a single star to take back to camp.

No yolk: Helen looked horrified when presented with a fermented egg as part of the Rotten Rhymes challenge
Not hungry: Helen floundered in the Rotten Rhymes Bushtucker Trial when she had to eat all sorts of strange delicacies

Her levels of effort varied depending on the gruesomeness of the challenge.

In trial number two she attempted to eat a sheep's testicle, in the third one she freaked out after being confronted with an ostrich and in the fifth one, dubbed Rodent Run, she threw in the towel before the starting klaxon had even sounded.

So it was with utter disbelief and a lot of cynicism that the the screaming and tears subsided and Helen sailed through the Deadly Deliveries challenge, picking up the maximum of twelve stars for her angry housemates - who had only eaten two meals in the last ten days.

She gingerly stuck her head in plastic boxes filled with crabs, 10,000 cockroaches and snakes, and completed the challenge without shedding a single tear.
Disappointed: As the main breadwinner for camp, Helen has left her fellow celebs very hungry

Disappointed: As the main breadwinner for camp, Helen has left her fellow celebs very hungry

It was a real turnaround that she put down to feeling pressure from her angry and hungry campmates - who were astounded that she delivered the goods.

But according to some show insiders, there are whispers off set that up until that point, the curvy actress had been faking her nerves in a bid to win sympathy - and ultimately be crowned queen of the jungle.

Furthermore, others think that Helen's refusal to even try the challenges, which take months to prepare, are all part of a sneaky plan to be crowned victorious.

Speaking to the Mirror, one source said: 'We’ve been keeping a very close eye on Helen and have been quite worried about her at times, but this was such a dramatic turn-around it has got everyone wondering if she might be playing more of a game than we had previously realised.'

'She may well have believed that all the nervous routines and mini-meltdowns would win favour with the public, but once that didn’t work, she has tried a different tactic and gone to the other extreme.

'She is an actress after all. Maybe she’s more talented than people realised.'

The bookies seem to agree, and she is now favourite to win the show at odds of 13-2.

Sadly for the other eleven celebrities on the show, the bravery she mustered up for Deadly Deliveries was all gone by the time she faced her next challenge, Bad Day At The Office.

This time, they had a front row seat for the footstamping festivities, as they watched from the sidelines as Helen refused to stick her face in to a photocopier full of cockroaches and didn't manage to catch a plastic star that fell on her in a shower of gunge.

'Five stars isn't bad though, is it?' she asked them as Ant and Dec stared at her, clearly not impressed by her inefficiency.
Just acting? Some people suspect that Helen is trying to win the show by pretending to be afraid of everything

Just acting? Some people suspect that Helen is trying to win the show by pretending to be afraid of everything

Unhinged? Helen's outbursts are great entertainment, but annoying for show bosses who have spent a lot of time and money on the tasks

Unhinged? Helen's outbursts are great entertainment, but annoying for show bosses and her celeb co-stars

They didn't respond as they trudged back to camp, tummies growling.

Helen is best known for playing Rosie Webster in Coronation Street, a role she held for eleven years.

During her time in Wetherfield, she was almost kidnapped by a serial killer twice, and embroiled in plots including running away to London to become a glamour model and the ups and downs as life as a teenage goth.

However, some angry I'm A Celeb fans think she is using her acting talents to steal the show.

One tweeted: 'Helen flanagan -, how to get more air time and get talked about by the whole of the uk. FAKE IT. People should ask for a refund.' [sic]

Others echoed the sentiment, saying: 'It's funny how Helen Flanagan is acting so fake when being watched by the other celebs...'

But considering some of the gems of wisdom Helen has come out with so far, including that she once mistook her own reflection for a burgular, there will be plenty of people who definitely don't agree the tantrums, foot stamping, waterworks and screeching are anything less than genuine.
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